husband wife hugging happy trust support recoveryRebuilding trust with a loved one after you have struggled with drug or alcohol addiction can often be a challenge. Your family or friends may feel betrayed or hurt by your actions. Yet regaining and rebuilding trust is a necessary part of the recovery process and can be possible with hard work and consistency. It may not happen overnight, but over time trust can be rebuilt.

Ways to Rebuild Trust and Strengthen Relationships

Building trust begins by making changes to your own life that show your loved ones you’re serious about recovery. You can also apologize to your loved ones for actions that hurt them. Even if they are not yet ready to forgive you, you can forgive yourself. Feelings of guilt or shame do not help you or your loved ones.

Some other ways to build trust with family and friends include:

  • Keep your promises. If you promise to do something or go somewhere with a loved one, follow through with that commitment. Keeping a promise to meet for lunch or to help with a project around the house can show that you can be trusted and are attempting to make a positive change.
  • Be open and communicate. Isolating from friends and family is common when a person has a substance use disorder. They attempt to hide their actions and feelings from those closest to them. Being open and honest and communicating with friends and family can rebuild trust and strengthen damaged relationships. If you are having difficulties communicating with those close to you, consider a family therapy session.
  • Create new healthy habits. Developing new habits is important in recovery to keep your body and mind healthy. Habits that can keep you healthy may include daily walks and exercise to stay fit, a regular sleep schedule, a nutritious diet, and continued treatment. You may even want to try a new hobby, such as painting, gardening, or crafting. Taking action to be healthy can help rebuild trust since it shows you are committed to a new lifestyle free from drugs and alcohol.
  • Stick to a routine. Having a routine can help you stay focused on and committed to your recovery. A routine can help break the boredom, keep cravings under control, and can help you develop a new pattern in your life that does not involve using drugs or alcohol. A part of your new routine can be going to weekly AA meetings, getting up early to walk the dog, or meeting a friend in the morning on a specific day of the week for coffee. Staying committed to a routine is an important part of recovery and can show those around you how serious you are about staying sober.
  • Be patient. Rebuilding trust takes time. Not only will you need to be patient, but those around you will as well. Feelings of hurt and anger will need to subside so that trust can be rebuilt and relationships can flourish. Do not force the issue of trust or put added stress or pressure on yourself. Do what you can and trust that the rest will work itself out in time.

Strengthening relationships with friends and family and working to gain trust that has been lost is an important part of the recovery process. Rebuilding trust and creating bonds with your loved ones can help you stay sober and reduce your risk of relapse while promoting a new and healthy lifestyle.

Trust Yourself

Not only do you want to rebuild trust with family and friends, but you will want to learn to trust yourself. You can learn from your past mistakes and recognize triggers that could cause you to relapse. It is important to be patient with yourself and practice self-care so that you can trust yourself and continue the recovery process. If you find yourself struggling, there are options such as therapy that can help get you on track and focused on your recovery.

We Are Here to Help

If you or a loved one is struggling with an addiction and looking for help, contact Mountain Laurel Recovery Center in Pennsylvania. Our center is located on 25 beautiful acres and offers a range of services and programs that can meet your specific needs. To find out more about the programs and services we have to offer, contact us online.

Considering a residential rehab in Pennsylvania? If you or a loved one are in need of help from addiction, please contact us today.