Mountain Laurel Recovery Center Blog

Welcome to our Blog! We feature articles written by MLRC as well as select guest bloggers, who write about alcoholism, drug addiction, and recovery. Please feel free to contact us anytime at (814) 787-2200. We’re here to help.

How to Rebuild Relationships After Addiction

How to Rebuild Relationships After Addiction

Addiction affects not only the person struggling with the substance use disorder but also their loved ones. As the addiction progresses, relationships are often broken, leaving hurt feelings and damaged connections to those closest to you. Recovery isn't just about achieving sobriety;...

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Building Resilience in Addiction Recovery

Building Resilience in Addiction Recovery

Recovering from an addiction is a journey filled with complex and transformative challenges, including successes and setbacks. Central to successfully navigating this path is resilience—the ability to rebound from adversities, adapt to change, and persist despite obstacles.  Resilience is crucial in addiction...

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The Role of Family Support in Veterans’ Recovery

The Role of Family Support in Veterans’ Recovery

Recovering from addiction is a demanding process. For Veterans in recovery, the journey can be even more complicated. Many Veterans face unique struggles related to their service, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), physical injuries, and the difficult transition back to civilian...

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Tips for Talking to Family About Your Recovery

Tips for Talking to Family About Your Recovery

Talking to your family about your recovery is a pivotal step towards building a strong support system. Recovery can be challenging and often emotional. Having a supportive family provides an emotional anchor during difficult times. Knowing that your loved ones are there...

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How Sleep Impacts Your Mood

How Sleep Impacts Your Mood

Prioritizing sleep is an essential part of addiction recovery. Healthy sleep habits can support your overall well-being and enhance your journey toward healing and stability. The amount and quality of sleep you get dramatically impacts your mood, energy levels, concentration, and overall...

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What to Do If You Don’t Have Recovery Support

What to Do If You Don’t Have Recovery Support

Recovery can be a challenging time filled with obstacles and temptations that can quickly derail your progress and lead to relapse. Having a solid support system is absolutely essential for long-term sobriety. Ideally, a support system includes family and friends who encourage...

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Incorporating Spirituality into Your Recovery Plan

Incorporating Spirituality into Your Recovery Plan

While spirituality means different things to different people, at its core it represents a connection to something greater than oneself. For some, that can be a higher power, such as God, nature, or the universe. For others, it might be art, music,...

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How to Maintain Your Recovery While Traveling

How to Maintain Your Recovery While Traveling

Travel can be stressful for those in the early stages of recovery. Residential treatment emphasizes the value of a routine for staying sober, but traveling throws your regular schedule out the window.  Staff at Mountain Laurel Recovery Center's Pennsylvania drug and alcohol...

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Ten Ways to Let Go of Anger

Ten Ways to Let Go of Anger

Anger is one of the most challenging emotions to deal with, especially when you're in recovery from addiction. When unresolved anger builds up inside, it can quickly act as a trigger to relapse and undo all the hard work you've put into...

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What You Need to Know About Polysubstance Abuse

What You Need to Know About Polysubstance Abuse

Addiction can take many forms. However, one of the most commonly misunderstood is polysubstance abuse. Polysubstance abuse refers to a situation in which an individual is abusing two or more addictive substances without having a clear preference for any specific one. Any...

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We Accept All Major Insurance

Mountain Laurel Recovery Center Accepts Aetna - Pennsylvania drug addiction rehab and alcohol treatment center - outpatient servicesMountain Laurel Recovery Center accepts cigna insurance - intensive outpatient and substance abuse treatment - Westfield Pennsylvania drug addiction rehab and alcohol treatment centerMountain Laurel Recovery Center accepts Magellan Health Services insurance - partial hospitalization program - php and iop substance abuse treatment - Pennsylvania drug addiction rehab and alcohol treatment centerMountain Laurel Recovery Center accepts Optum Insurance - outpatient addiction and substance abuse treatmentUPMC Insurance LogoBeacon Health insurance