Our Philosophy

Mountain Laurel Recovery Center - Pennsylvania Addiction Treatment Center
Mountain Laurel Recovery Center is grounded in the belief that long-term recovery is possible for everyone who desires it. Our fundamental goal is to restore the individual to a healthier, happier, and more productive life, free from dependence on alcohol, addictive chemicals, and the destructive behaviors associated with addiction. We believe that each person who walks through our doors is unique, with unique life circumstances. Our goal at Mountain Laurel Recovery Center is to meet clients at their stage of recovery and assist them in addressing the issues specific to their addiction. While it’s true that those struggling with addiction engage in similar thoughts and behaviors, we believe it is critical to recognize and treat individuals as individuals.

Our fundamental principles and practices are built on the disease concept of addiction and the belief that all people have equal worth. Our decisions are made on the premise that each person has an inherent potential for change and growth and that certain proven principles help us all move toward continuous improvement, deeper relationships, and greater joy, even in the face of difficulties.

Mountain Laurel Recovery Center provides a safe and supportive atmosphere. Our staff is well-versed in both addiction and its subsequent behaviors, as well as the recovery process. We believe past failures are merely something to reflect on and learn from – not dwell on and/or repeat!

Contact us anytime at (814) 787-2200 for a confidential consultation.

Ready to begin your recovery?

Please contact us today to start your journey.

Call (814) 787-2200

Mountain Laurel Recovery Center

355 Church Street
Westfield, Pennsylvania 16950

We Accept All Major Insurance

Mountain Laurel Recovery Center Accepts Aetna - Pennsylvania drug addiction rehab and alcohol treatment center - outpatient servicesMountain Laurel Recovery Center accepts cigna insurance - intensive outpatient and substance abuse treatment - Westfield Pennsylvania drug addiction rehab and alcohol treatment centerMountain Laurel Recovery Center accepts Magellan Health Services insurance - partial hospitalization program - php and iop substance abuse treatment - Pennsylvania drug addiction rehab and alcohol treatment centerMountain Laurel Recovery Center accepts Optum Insurance - outpatient addiction and substance abuse treatmentUPMC Insurance LogoBeacon Health insurance