About Us

exterior - Mountain Laurel Recovery Center - Westfield Pennsylvania alcohol and drug rehab center - drug and alcohol addiction treatment - dual diagnosis treatment centerAt Mountain Laurel Recovery Center, we regard alcoholism and substance use disorder as a disease. We utilize a holistically grounded, multi-disciplinary approach to address problems affecting the body, mind, and spirit.

We empower clients through therapies that encourage individual responsibility through social recovery, acknowledging that addiction is a sickness of isolation best overcome through a life lived and shared in a supportive, welcoming, community.

Addiction counselors, licensed therapists, nurses and physicians work in collaboration with the client and the family to develop a personal treatment plan which guides each individual through a thorough and comprehensive treatment process. The holistic, wellness driven approach – coupled with the 12 step principles of AA and NA — significantly maximizes the likelihood the individual can achieve and maintain abstinence and lifelong success. We recognize that recovery encompasses improvements in self-esteem, interpersonal relationships, positive family interaction, vocational productivity, the establishment of realistic life goals, and the development of a healthy lifestyle and support network.

All of the staff at Mountain Laurel Recovery Center appreciate the complex issues associated with healing and the recovery process and are readily available to assist the resident in gaining the tools necessary to live a productive life based on abstinence and wellness.

For more information about Mountain Laurel Recovery Center, contact us anytime at (814) 787-2200. We’re here to help.

We Accept All Major Insurance

Mountain Laurel Recovery Center Accepts Aetna - Pennsylvania drug addiction rehab and alcohol treatment center - outpatient servicesMountain Laurel Recovery Center accepts cigna insurance - intensive outpatient and substance abuse treatment - Westfield Pennsylvania drug addiction rehab and alcohol treatment centerMountain Laurel Recovery Center accepts Magellan Health Services insurance - partial hospitalization program - php and iop substance abuse treatment - Pennsylvania drug addiction rehab and alcohol treatment centerMountain Laurel Recovery Center accepts Optum Insurance - outpatient addiction and substance abuse treatmentUPMC Insurance LogoBeacon Health insurance