woman praying spirituality recovery An essential component in many treatment programs is spirituality. This component is important to everyone who believes in God or in any higher power. Spirituality can help people heal and focus on a healthy, sustaining recovery while improving their overall well-being. Finding one’s spirituality can help those struggling with addiction discover faith in their daily life to support their journey and reveal the best possible version of themselves.

Benefits of Spirituality in Recovery

Spirituality has many benefits for those in recovery. Battling a substance use disorder can be difficult and cause a person to lose their sense of value and purpose.

Some benefits of spirituality in recovery are:

  • Healing. Spirituality can help people heal from their past mistakes and move forward by forgiving themselves and finding a new sense of purpose in their lives.
  • Strength. Since recovery can be mentally, physically, and emotionally draining, spirituality can help a person find inner strength to move forward in their recovery journey.
  • Purpose. A substance use disorder can cause a person to feel that they have lost their purpose in life. They may be unsure of their future. Spirituality can help them step out of their comfort zone and find a new sense of purpose that is not focused on drugs or alcohol.
  • Peace. Being at peace with oneself can help a person if they begin to struggle while in recovery. Finding inner peace can keep a person calm and help them respond to situations in a reasonable, well-thought-out way. If a person is not at peace with themselves, it can make staying sober challenging and increase the risk of relapse.

Finding Spirituality in Recovery

Finding spirituality may not be the same journey for every person. Spirituality can be as individual as the person. What is similar in everyone’s spiritual journey is the valuable, life-long tools spirituality provides. Having the right spiritual tools can help prevent relapse by offering a way to handle triggers or cravings in a healthy way. Some tools that can help guide a person on their spiritual journey in recovery include:

  • Mindfulness. Practicing mindfulness in recovery may not come naturally to every person, but it can be achieved over time with practice. Being mindful throughout the day can be a way to relax and reduce anxiety. Making mindfulness a part of one’s daily routine can be done by incorporating components such as meditation, which calls for a focus on the present rather than dwelling on the past or thinking too far ahead in the future. Being mindful allows one to find the peace essential for living a sober lifestyle.
  • Gratitude. Being grateful can be a spiritual practice that helps a person focus on what is positive in their life. One way to focus on gratitude in recovery is by keeping a gratitude journal that can be used to write down everything good and positive experienced each day.
  • Giving back. Giving back by volunteering to help others who are in need can be a humbling yet rewarding experience. Not only is a person doing good for someone else, but they are learning how to feel good about themselves. This can benefit a person’s spiritual well-being by giving them a sense of worth and purpose.
  • Attending 12-step meetings. Most 12-step meetings, such as AA or NA, focus on the idea that recovery begins when a person lets go of their own will and trusts in a power higher than themselves for guidance. Certain 12-step meeting programs, like Celebrate Recovery, incorporate a religious aspect to their format.

Mountain Laurel Recovery Center is Here to Help

If you or a loved one is struggling with a substance use disorder, contact Mountain Laurel Recovery Center for help. We offer a holistic approach to treatment incorporating components such as meditation and mindfulness as part of our programming to help focus on a healthy, sober lifestyle. In addition, we can create an individualized treatment plan to meet your specific needs and goals and have various resources available at our Pennsylvania addiction treatment center. To learn more about our programs and services and how you can begin your recovery journey, use our convenient online contact form.

Considering a residential rehab in Pennsylvania? If you or a loved one are in need of help from addiction, please contact us today.