Recovering from an addiction can be a challenging process. Having ways to cope when you begin to struggle is essential. One simple practice that can help you heal during recovery is laughter. Laughter is indeed “the best medicine,” having a positive impact on your overall health and well-being. 

Some of the advantages of laughter include:

  • Emotional healing: Laughter is known to help reduce stress and anxiety levels. When you laugh, it can improve your mood and give you a more positive outlook on your life. 
  • Physical benefits: Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, our body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Laughter relaxes your entire body and allows you to release tension. It boosts the immune system, increases oxygen levels, and promotes a sense of physical well-being. Laughing is also good for your heart.
  • Strengthen relationships. Laughter can strengthen and improve relationships and create social bonds. When you laugh with someone, you instantly feel connected, and this can aid in rebuilding bonds that were broken during addiction. 
  • Stimulate your mind: Laughter stimulates brain activity and improves your mental clarity. 

Since recovery can be a stressful process, laughing can help release stress and thus better manage cravings and triggers, reducing your risk of relapse.

If you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, shift your mindset and find something that makes you laugh. Finding moments of joy and happiness can make you feel more optimistic about your recovery and remind you that life can be enjoyable without needing to use substances.

Laughter provides a positive alternative to self-medicating with substances and can help you navigate challenges with resilience and humor.

Ways to Incorporate Laughter into Your Day
Incorporating laughter into your daily routine during addiction recovery can be a powerful tool for maintaining a positive mindset. It does not require much time or effort, and there are endless ways to do so, such as:

  • Read a funny book
  • Watch a funny video online
  • Make silly faces at yourself in the mirror
  • Read a joke each morning when you wake up
  • Watch a comedy television show or movie
  • Play a silly game with your children
  • Attend a local stand-up comedy show or improv event
  • Talk to a friend who knows how to make you laugh
  • Play with your pet

Laughter can be found in everyday situations. Work on developing a sense of humor and look for the positive in daily situations. Remember to be kind to yourself and learn to laugh at your mistakes. When you show yourself self-compassion, it can help you face challenges with a lighter heart. 

Use Your Best Judgment
While laughing has endless benefits and is an essential part of recovery, sometimes it is inappropriate. Laughter should never come at the expense of others. Some forms of humor can be hurtful, offensive, or inappropriate. To maintain a positive and supportive environment, exercise your best judgment to discern between a good joke and one that may cause harm or perpetuate negativity. By being mindful and considerate, you can ensure that laughter remains a healing force throughout your recovery journey.

Contact Us Today!
If you or a loved one is struggling with a substance use disorder, the caring and supportive staff at Mountain Laurel Recovery Center in Pennsylvania is here to help. We offer a comprehensive range of programs and services to help you find a lasting recovery. To find out more about what we have to offer and how we can help you begin your journey of a lasting recovery, please contact us today.