Recovery Boredom & How to Avoid It

two couples cooking together in the kitchen - boredomFor those who are in recovery from drugs or alcohol, a sober life may sound boring. And too much boredom can be a trigger for those who are newly sober. Cravings for drugs and alcohol may intensify when boredom hits, so keeping busy is one way to prevent relapse. Also, focusing on something new can be a way to recharge and have fun.

Don’t think that every moment of your day needs to be filled with activities. Taking time out of your day to reflect and rest can be as beneficial as engaging in something physical. You can keep your mind healthy by doing activities such as journaling or meditating; with regular practice, you may even come to look forward to quiet times.

But if you need something active to try, there are endless options. All you need is an open mind and a willingness to try new things you may not have done while using drugs or alcohol. Being sober is not boring if you get creative and find new ways to pass the time.

We offer below a sampling of sober activities that can break the boredom and keep you busy:

  • Enjoy the outdoors. Heading outside and enjoying nature is a great way to reduce stress and stay fit. Taking a nature walk or hike can pass the time while you enjoy the beauty of your surroundings.
  • Do something creative. Creative work keeps you busy but also helps you release and process emotions and experiences. Ideas include painting, sketching, or taking photos.
  • Get your exercise. Making exercise a part of your daily routine can combat boredom while keeping you healthy and fit. You can exercise at home, with a partner, or as part of a class.
  • Volunteer in your community. Spending time helping others in your local community is a great way to give back and do something rewarding. You will not only feel good but help others feel good as well.
  • Try new recipes. A great way to beat boredom is to cook something new. Invite friends or family over to try out some new recipes and enjoy the company of others while you prepare something delicious.
  • Enroll in a class. Taking a class is a great way to meet new people while enjoying an activity. You can find a variety of classes based on your specific interests, such as fitness, foreign language, art, or music.
  • Attend support group meetings. Gathering with a group of people who share your same goal of sobriety can be an important step in your long-term recovery. It is also a way to spend time with others and have something to look forward to. Support group meetings such as Alcoholic Anonymous meet regularly, and you can find a meeting in any place or town.
  • Adopt a pet. Pets make great companions and can help you beat boredom. Taking your pet for a walk or playing with your pet is an enjoyable way to pass the time while having fun.
  • Play games. Playing games is a fun way to enjoy time with friends while staying sober. Hold a game night with your friends and play your favorite games such as Scrabble or Monopoly.
  • Visit somewhere new. Perhaps there is somewhere in your city that you have never been or had time to visit. Visit somewhere new, such as a museum or restaurant, or drive to a nearby town and see what they have to offer. Taking a walk around a new city or town can pass the time and give you the chance to enjoy a new destination.
  • Take your partner on a date. Ask that someone special out on date the next time you are bored. There are endless possibilities for dating while sober that are fun for you both and do not involve using drugs or alcohol.
  • Read a book. Reading a book can keep you occupied for hours. There are books on just about any subject you can think about as well as ones that focus on wellness and self-help. If you have children, reading a book together can be a great way to bond and enjoy time together.

We Are Here to Help

At Mountain Laurel Recovery Center, we have the tools and support you need to face the challenges of recovery. We can provide a variety of services to meet your individual needs and goals. Our Pennsylvania addiction treatment program offers a full range of care for those with substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health conditions.

To find out more about our programs and services and how you can begin your recovery, use our convenient contact form.

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