Massage for Recovery

Massage for Recovery

Many people who have been to a treatment center like Mountain Laurel Recovery Center have experienced the wonderful benefits of therapeutic massage or a similar type of bodywork. Benefits of Massage Therapy Massage offers evidence-based physical and emotional benefits...
Weathering Recovery During Winter

Weathering Recovery During Winter

If you’re someone who dislikes or even dreads the long winter months, December through March can be especially challenging to your recovery.Creatures of ComfortCold temperatures and gray skies spark a longing for anything and everything we find comforting; for those...
Is Addiction a Choice?

Is Addiction a Choice?

Whether it’s the president of the Philippines encouraging vigilante killing of drug addicts, or police officers in our own country refusing to use Narcan to save someone’s life, or the guy on social media claiming that addicts are weak and morally inferior, it’s clear...