What to Expect During Family Visitation

What to Expect During Family Visitation

Having a loved one in drug and alcohol treatment is a bit of a mixed bag.We are usually elated that they are receiving help, but also anxious about what is going on with them while they are there. There are different types of rehab depending on if your loved one has...
Celebrity Overdose Deaths

Celebrity Overdose Deaths

Celebrity overdose deaths are becoming so prevalent that, unfortunately, they do not seem to produce the same shock as before. With drug abuse reaching a worldwide epidemic of mass proportions, overdoses are happening at alarming rates. Even with the growing number of...
Addiction as a Disease

Addiction as a Disease

Drug addiction and alcoholism were believed, for many years, to be a matter of poor character, bad decision-making, and lack of willpower. In fact, to this day, there is some dispute as to whether addiction is a disease or a behavioral problem. Most drug and alcohol...
Does the Media Sensationalize Addiction?

Does the Media Sensationalize Addiction?

By Cristina Utti and Erica Utti-Hodge Media portrayal of addiction is a mixed bag. TV shows and movies often glamorize substance use or minimize its consequences. At the same time, some shows reveal the darker truths of addiction. We’ll look at three TV shows to...