National Recovery Month

National Recovery Month 2020 graphicFor 31 years, National Recovery Month has been observed every September to bring awareness to the struggles faced by those who have been diagnosed with substance use disorders or other mental health conditions. In 2020, the National Recovery Month theme is “Join the Voices for Recovery: Celebrating Connections.” At Mountain Laurel Recovery Center, we believe celebrating National Recovery Month can help eliminate stigma, encourage those in need to seek treatment, and help those currently in recovery access the resources they need to continue moving forward. We’ve listed below a few ways you can participate in National Recovery Month.

Read a Recovery Memoir

Getting lost in a good book is the perfect way to pass the time in 2020. Our partners over at English Mountain Recovery have a list of Powerful Addiction and Recovery Memoirs you can refer to for reading inspiration.

When you’re done reading, consider hosting a Zoom book club meeting with friends, family, or your sober support network. Hearing additional perspectives can increase your understanding of what it means to achieve lasting recovery.

Watch an Inspirational Documentary

If you’re more of a film buff, an inspirational documentary can help you celebrate the spirit of National Recovery Month while continuing to move forward in your own recovery journey. Our friends at Twin Lakes Recovery have a list of Inspiring Documentaries for Your Recovery that you may want to check out.

Would you like to watch as part of a group? An easy way to have a socially distanced movie night is to have one person play the movie of your choice on Zoom, then use the screen share feature to show it to others in the group. You can video or text chat while the movie plays.

Share Your Recovery Story

Living with a substance use disorder is inherently isolating. People with active addictions often feel as though they’re alone in their struggles. Sharing your recovery story can help inspire people in need to seek treatment and help those who don’t have substance use disorders to better understand what their friends or family members may be going through.

When you’re sharing your recovery story, you can provide as much or as little detail as you feel comfortable with. You may wish to talk about what made you realize you needed help, how treatment changed your life, what challenges you’ve faced in recovery, or what goals you have for the future. However, since everyone’s recovery journey is unique, it’s best to avoid making generalizations about what may or may not work for anyone else.

Become a 12-Step Sponsor

If you’ve been sober for at least one year and feel as though you’re ready for the next phase of your journey, you may want to consider becoming a sponsor. Sponsors support and encourage newcomers to Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-Step programs. Sponsors have worked the 12 Steps, believe in their effectiveness, and have a strong desire to help others begin the journey to sobriety.

Talking to your own sponsor about your recovery progress and goals can help you determine if you’re prepared to tackle the challenge of sponsorship. However, since newcomers choose their own sponsors, keep in mind that you’ll need to wait until someone reaches out to you to begin the relationship.

Treat Yourself

Struggling with low self-esteem and feelings of unworthiness is common in the early stages of recovery, but the progress you’ve already made deserves to be celebrated. Recognize your accomplishments with a treat that helps you continue to move towards becoming the best version of yourself you can be.

If being in recovery has inspired you to take up painting again, splurge on quality art supplies. If working out has become your go-to form of stress relief, consider treating yourself to sessions with a personal trainer. If journaling helps you cope with your anxiety and depression, pick out a pretty notebook with an inspirational quote. No matter what mistakes you’ve made in the past, the work you’ve put in towards building a better life for yourself is worthy of recognition.

Get the Help You Need to Continue Moving Forward

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has created a great deal of global stress and uncertainty. If you’re struggling to control your cravings or worried about a relapse, Mountain Laurel Recovery Center can help.

Because we are considered an essential service provider, our Pennsylvania residential drug and alcohol addiction treatment center will continue to accept new clients regardless of other restrictions put in place by state or local authorities. We are following all CDC-recommended safety precautions and are committed to doing everything possible to provide the most effective recovery environment. If you’re ready to change your life for the better, we’re here to help.

If you or a loved one are in need of help from addiction, please contact our PA full service rehab today.